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South America


Argentinian Chipa (Cheese Bread)

Skip To Recipe Chipa, Argentina’s beloved cheese bread, is a bite sized delight that perfectly balances richness and comfort. These golden, cheese filled balls are


Argentinian Carbonada (Beef and Vegetable Stew)

Skip To Recipe Carbonada is an Argentine stew that combines the rustic charm of hearty ingredients with the subtle elegance of South American flavours. Packed


Argentinian Bife de Chorizo (Sirloin Steak)

Skip To Recipe Bife de Chorizo, one of Argentina’s most iconic culinary delights, is a sirloin steak that captures the essence of Argentine cuisine. Known


Argentinian Alfajores (Dulce de Leche Cookies)

Skip To Recipe Few desserts capture the heart of Argentina quite like alfajores. These delicate sandwich cookies, filled with creamy dulce de leche and often


Brazilian Vatapá (Shrimp and Bread Stew)

Skip To Recipe Vatapá is a vibrant and rich dish that captures the spirit of Brazilian coastal cuisine. This creamy stew, traditionally made with shrimp,


Brazilian Romeu e Julieta (Guava Paste with Cheese)

Skip To Recipe Romeu e Julieta is a beloved Brazilian dessert that pairs two seemingly simple ingredients, guava paste and fresh white cheese, but the


Brazilian Quindim (Coconut Custard)

Skip To Recipe Quindim is a traditional Brazilian dessert that offers a beautiful contrast of textures and flavours. This glossy, golden coconut custard has a


Brazilian Pudim de Leite (Brazilian Milk Flan)

Skip To Recipe Pudim de Leite, or Brazilian Milk Flan, is a beloved dessert that has earned a special place on tables across Brazil. With


Brazilian Pastel (Brazilian Savoury Pastry)

Skip To Recipe In Brazil, no visit to a street fair or casual eatery is complete without biting into a warm, crispy pastel. This golden


Brazilian Pão de Queijo (Cheese Bread)

Skip To Recipe Pão de Queijo, or Brazilian cheese bread, is a beloved snack that offers a delightful blend of cheesy goodness and a light,